
How It Works

Online companies receive hundreds of enquiries a day about new cars, each enquiry contains the contact details of the enquiry maker, which are then sold to you as a lead. And don’t worry, the person who makes the enquiry is not unaware of this, they have actively given their details so you can get in touch with them.

They are waiting for a dealership to call them, so make sure your dealership is ready to make the call!
You decide which leads you shall receive! You can specify and filter the leads you get to ensure that they meet your requirements. Time is valuable so do not waste it, take advantage of the filters so you only get customers who you are able to do deals with. An example of how you can filter your customers is by choosing where your customers are coming from, so if you prefer to do business locally, this is still very much a possibility. This way gives you all the control you need over your market and gives you a great chance of bringing your specified market into your dealership.

Basically a customer may enquire about a Toyota Yaris on your site, which means they are interested in purchasing a new one - what you can then do is sell this information on to a third party (one which deals in Toyota Yaris cars) who can hopefully clinch a sale.

Your leads will come as emails as soon as they are generated, meaning no time at all is wasted, allowing you to reach the customer while they are still interested and ready to buy.

It isn’t expensive and can only generate business, so it is definitely worth a shot! You have nothing to lose, by buying leads you will increase sales, hit targets and reduce marketing and advertising costs.

Certain websites can generate thousands of leads a month, make sure these leads go to you and not your competitors!